Month and Year of Birth: October 2016

Parents noticed a white reflex in the right eye in November 2017. He has been diagnosed with unilateral Retinoblastoma in a hospital in Bhubaneswar where enucleation of the affected eye was recommended due to the advanced Tumor. Parents couldn't accept it and consulted a doctor in Cuttack who referred them to the Centre for Sight in Hyderabad. They came to CFS, Hyderabad in January'18. So far, he received 6 cycles of chemotherapy, and meanwhile, he had developed a cataract in his right eye. So the doctor had decided to do cataract surgery in order to get a clear picture of the tumor. Later the child was complaining of a headache, it was seen that there was swelling behind the eye and he was prescribed medicine for that. He is doing well and is on 6 months follow-up now.