Month and Year of Birth:
September 2019

Edna Maria is from Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala. Edna’s Parents noticed white
reflex in her left eye when she was 3-year-old. They immediately took her for an eye examination where she was diagnosed with unilateral retinoblastoma(left eye).
Child was sent to Malabhar cancer center for chemotherapy and also, they were
referred to an eye hospital at Bangalore for treatment. Child completed 6 cycles of chemotherapy in Nov’20. There was relapse of the tumor after 2 months
and the child was advised to receive further 6 more cycles of chemotherapy along
with laser treatment. She was responding well to the treatment until the last few visits.In recent development, doctors noticed that there was not much progress with Chemotherapy and her vision also deteriorated. Doctor advised brachytherapy as a further treatment plan along with laser therapy.