Month and Year of Birth: August 2017
Harshal; 5 years 7 months old boy is from Maharashtra. Mother had retinoblastoma and lost one eye when she was only a few months old. They were not aware that Retinoblastoma is a genetic disorder until Harshal's elder sister was diagnosed with Retinoblastoma when she was only 3 months old. Initially, she received treatment at Sahyadri and HV Desai, Pune later at Bharthi Vidya Peet, an affiliated hospital as treatment is less expensive compared to Sahyadri. Parents did undergo tests during the second pregnancy and the result was normal but doctors suggested they to take the child for the check after birth. Harshal was a premature baby(7months) so they took him for an eye check-up as soon as he recovered and gained little weight. He was diagnosed with Bilateral Retinoblastoma. His treatment started with 7 cycles of chemotherapy and 4 more cycles of chemotherapy were given along with laser therapy. He has no vision in his right eye but has good vision in his left eye.He is on 4 months follow-up now.