Month and Year of Birth: July 2017

Parth Pandhare is a 1 year 5 months old boy from Maharashtra, receiving treatment at CFS, Hyderabad for Retinoblastoma. His parents noticed a glow in his right eye right from the time of his birth. The doctor they consulted could not diagnose it correctly. On 2nd July 2018, they consulted another doctor known to them who suspected it as Retinoblastoma and referred them to Ganapathy Netralaya (Jalana). Initial tests were done, and he was referred to CFS, Hyderabad for further diagnosis and treatment. On further investigation, it was diagnosed as bilateral Retinoblastoma. Both the parents are construction workers and could not afford the treatment. Iksha is supporting his treatment. His right eye had been enucleated post 6 cycles of Chemo and he is receiving Laser treatment for his left eye with a high chance of salvaging the eye and vision. He is on 2 monthly follow-ups.